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Problem Creates Opportunity, Opportunity Changes Life
问题创造机会, 机会改变人生

Dr. Hassan Farhood is presenting a short, life changing presentation

Farhood 博士主讲健康与保健.

Please come and join us! Space is limited!
千万别放过这个健康的机会! 这个改变您人生的机会!

Discover the joy of being healthy.
健康才是财富, 健康才是幸福!

Upcoming Topics: (call to verify) 近期专题: (请电话确认)
Nov.04. 2006: "Weight Control & Dieting" 2006/11/04: 饮食与体重控制
Dec.02. 2006: "Cardiovascular Health" 2006/12/02: 心血管保健
Jan.06. 2007: "Gastric Healing" 2007/01/06: 消化系统保健
Feb.03. 2007: "Healthy Menopause" 2007/02/03: 更年期保健

When: 时间(call to verify/请电话确认)
1st Saturday of each month at 2:45 pm.
每个月的第一个星期六 下午2:45
Where: 地点(call to verify/请电话确认)
2019 Saturn St. Monterey Park, CA 91755

Contact Number: 联系电话


Special Guest:
Dr. Farhood
PhD in Molecular Biology and Expert in Cancer Immunotherapy