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A Memorable Father

A Memorable Father's Day

FKC International Love and Care Association (LCA) presented a memorable event on Saturday, June 14, 2014 at Jade House Restaurant (City of Industry) to celebrate the Father’s Day. We invited our members, their families and friends to join us in this once-a-year celebration with plenty of food, drinks, fun and a karaoke competition. The event was a huge success. We are honored to have Arcadia Mayor and former Monterey Park Mayor as our judges. All the participants devote themselves totally into their singing. A great applause and cheer went up from the crowd after everyone finished their songs. The event not only consisted of lots of food and fun, but also plenty of prizes to give away. We have a total of 6 winners including 1 champion, 2 first-runner-up, and 3 second-runner-up. FKC International CEO Mrs. Fang Zhao was invited to the event and presented the prizes to our 6 winners. Mrs. Fang also prepared special gifts for all the fathers that participated in this event.

Aside from celebrating Father's day, FKC International LCA held this event  to show our appreciation for the support from our diligent members and their families. FKC International is committed to provide the best service to our members and will continue to host and celebrate events for varies occasions dedicated to our members and their families. Please visit our website for news and information for upcoming events.




         火一样热情的六月(6/14/2014),  一个阳光明媚, 笑语欢歌的星期六, FKC国际洛杉矶关爱委员会在工业市的玉枫阁为会员及其亲朋好友举办了一场热浪滚滚的父亲节卡拉OK歌唱大赛。为了丰富会员生活,让大家更深入了解FKC企业文化,FKC爱心天使们全心全意地组织这次歌唱比赛活动,并提供了美食,尽最大努力为到场者创造乐趣。

         这是一次成功的比赛,我们非常荣幸地邀请了亚凯迪亚市市长和蒙特利公园市前市长两位特殊嘉宾作为比赛评审。比赛共产生6位获奖者,奖品由FKC国际总裁赵纺女士颁发。赵女士还亲自准备了别致的礼物送给到场的每一位父亲。值得一提的是本次比赛有很多具有专业水准的选手,他 (她) 们在舞台上张扬个性,意气风发。他(她)们唱出了自己的力量,唱出了自己的希望,唱出了自己的梦想。他(她)们的年轻活力也正是FKC国际想为所有FKC家人创造的生活理念。

         洛杉矶关爱委员会举办这次活动,不仅为了庆祝伟大的父亲节,也为了对那些一直坚定支持FKC事业的会员及家人朋友表示感谢。因为他们的坚持和努力,他们义无反顾的信任,才有今天的FKC,FKC承诺将为我们的会员提供最好的服务。我们还会陆续举办不同的活动, 我们欢迎所有喜欢FKC,想要了解FKC的家人朋友参与我们,请访问我们的官方网站并关注我们下次活动的消息。