This reward is paid out monthly. But, it is calculated weekly.
You can collect a third financial reward, called “Global Revenue Reward” that will allow you to participate in as much as 3.5% of the FKC's global revenue each month for each of your stores that you own.
This reward is per store. Each of your stores has the potential to participate in the Global Revenue Rewarrd independently. This reward can become very significant. When your store earns 600 points that is called a cyle.
There are 3 levels of Global Revenue Reward:
Level 1 (2.5% participation)
Level 2 (0.5% participation)
Level 3 (0.5% participation)
Let's look at Level 1 (2.5% participation)
When your store cycles between 17 and 200 times in one week that month you participate in splitting 2.5% of the Global Revenue of FKC with other acheiving members.
Let's look at how this 2.5% Global Revenue is divided among acheiving memebers:
You will be awarded 3 Global Revenue Reward points per cycle.
(Example: when your store cycles 20 times in one week within the month you are awarded 12 points. You earned 3 points for each of the 4 cycles (cycle 17,18, 19 and 20.) Three points times the 4 cycles gives you 12 points for that store. So now your 12 points are added with all other member's points to determine what percentage of the 2.5% Global Revenue Reward you will receive.
Let's look at Level 2 (.5% participation)
When your store cycles between 201 to 300 cycles in one week that month you participate in an adittional 0.5% of the Global Revenue of FKC with other acheiving memebers. You will be awarded 2 Global Revenue Reward points per cycle at this level. Your total points are added with all other member's points to determine what percentage of the Level 2 (.5%) Global Revenue Reward you will receive.
Let's look at Level 3 (.5% participation)
When your store cycles 301 cycles or more in one week that month you participate in an adittional (Level 3) 0.5% of the Global Revenue of FKC with other acheiving memebers. You will be awarded 1 Global Revenue Reward points per cycle at this level. Your total points are added with all other member's points to determine what percentage of the Level 3 (.5%) Global Revenue Reward you will receive.